Sunday I was invited to Haley Rogers farewell..Lavonne her mom is pretty much like a second mom to I was close with the fam. Anyway as im in church I see Lauren and her two babys come in and sit down, I havent seen her in Forever..I saw Chelsey who I also havent seen in Yearsand I saw Jamies two little kids, but no Jamie :(..i also saw Sarah, who looks absolutly amazing. It was one of Sundays ever!! It was really crazy when we were all in the telief society room and the YW meet for opening excersises as we stood to say th yw intro it flashed us back to being 13 and we were all there saying tjat..and here we were years later, all of us married some with children and were all standing together again saying if. It was tje.craziest thing ever!! It was great to talk kids with Lauren and see Chels and Sarah!!! Along with the rest of my old DV ward. It was a great "glad to be home" moment. I cant skip over Haleys talk..she did amazing, and will do so much good on her missipn! Im excited for her, she will make a wonderful missionary and tpuch so many lives!! Good luck Haley!!
On a side note, I have TONS of blogging to catch up on..and NO computer :( GR!! So as soon as I have time to spend at my Gparents or I get my computer back I can updats!!! It really is deiving me crazy ..
Quinn's Christmas Recital
7 years ago
Tash! Sad I missed the farewell (I had the flu) or I would have totally come and then been able to see all you girls! Miss you! Hope to see u soon! :)