Friday, December 24, 2010

A Month Old!!!

SHESH!!!! I cannot believe my baby boy is already a month, and he is changing so fast! He is starting to grow into himself, his features are settling in. His face is filling out, his eye lashes are growing so fast, his body is chunking up! He is starting to hold his head up on his own, each day is a little longer that he holds it up. His legs are stronger, and he is starting to stand up on them (with me holding him of course). He is awake most of the day and loves looking at everything. His eye color is going to be a dark blue, with a darker outline around the eye (kind of like mine.) He looks like his dad but people are starting to say that he is getting a lot of my features, some of the faces he pulls remind people of me. He is ALMOST growing into his 3 month old clothes, but they are still kind of big on him. Which is fine. I dont want him growing up to fast.

Brent and I are enjoying every minute of being parents!!! And the time really does go by so fast. I cant believe my due date was the 9th of this month, and he came Nov. 24th! My little one is already a month old HOLLY COW!!! It has been wonderful, stressful, exciting, hard and worth every little bit of it!!

I am excited to start loosing this baby weight!! haha.. But, I figured it would be stupid to start now, since people keep bringing us yummy goodies!!

He is holding his head up on his own!!

Loves his daddy

Also, I figured I should share some FLOOD pictures with you, since this week has been raining like crazy, and our washes have filled up!!!

The fence is under water, all you could see was the tip top part.

The road in Ox Valley is washed out

Our community getting together sand bagging!
Clay and Rydge

One more thing, our good friends Bill and Jessie had there little baby Three weeks after little Rydge!!! Brent and Bill grew up together, and I cant imagine the trouble little Clay and Rydge are going to get into!!!

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