Monday, April 25, 2011

What to do?!

I am starting summer school in just a couple weeks, and I am stressin...Flippin out!!!! SCARED!!! about it ALL! I dont want to leave my baby!.. and I dont know what to do about feeding?? I am still nursing, and want to continue to nurse. I am a strong believer in it, no offense to those who use formula, but I am worried when I go to school I cant keep up on the stocking of breast milk. No matter how much I pump, how much I get stocked up I dont know what this schedule will be like?? I will for sure keep nursing, morning and night, but I might have to do both, breast milk and formula :(. How do I not feel "guilty" or "sad" or "worried" about it?? I wanted to nurse for a full year (at least till I can just go straight to whole milk). Cheaper first of all, and I like nursing and think he gets more nutrition that way, plus it "bonds" us together and I LOVE it. Maybe thats why Im STRESSING over it so badly. I know TONS and TONS of working moms who do both, or even just pump. What if I cant do it. Is it bad if I want to start him on baby foods so I dont have to feed him formula? I mean, my schedule is busy, M-F 8-5. Its pretty much like a full time job for 2 months. :(... now I know why moms want to be stay at home moms!! The bond you have between your baby is HUGE!!!! I will probably end up doing both, nursing and formula. 1 more month and I can start him on foods.. Then I'll probably feel better about it all. Why does it have to be so hard.. Maybe im just being a baby! I cant help it!! Anyway, Easter post coming soon!!! We had SOO much fun camping. Rydgey loved it.

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way the first time I gave James formula. It's a hard thing to do, but he'll be okay, and so will you. If you want to keep only on breast milk I would personally start pumping right now, before school starts. Just 5 - 10 minutes on each side after nursing. Or if you nurse just one side then pump the other side. Build up your milk supply and also start up on your stock. It stays good in the freezer for 3 months. I froze mine in ice cube trays. I found that one ice cube was one ounce - that way my husband knew just to use 4 ice cubes for 4 ounces (that was the most James ever drank). If you find that you can't keep up on your stock, you can always supplement formula. Do half and half. That way he's still getting the nutrients from the breast milk. I hope this helps! Either decision you make, he'll turn out to be a healthy boy anyway.
