WOW!!! I cant believe we have *approximately 98 days till our little baby Brack is here!!!! I was reading my weekly update, and about fainted.. Has it gone by this FAST already!!! December is really just around the corner, I will be in my 6th month within this next week! Shesh, I feel so UN prepared!! At my last doc appt. Thompson told me they moved my due date back to Dec. 9th? He wasnt sure why, but they did. So I could be due anywhere from Dec 3rd to the 9th. And babies dont usually have a due date, they come when they are ready!!! So... Thats the estimated date.
I took a couple pictures This morning of the BELLY*** at 26 weeks!!!! Wow!! I dont feel BiG bIg yet.. BUT, loooking at the pictures, Im getting BIG!! haha... (P.S. I LoVe feeling this little man kick me!! I guess I can say that now.. since he is still not TO big!! But, once he starts using my ribs as a punching bag, I wont love it so much! haha!!! )
Brent and I bought a stroller.. ok, let me rephrase that.. BreNt bought a stroller and after much debate on what type, kind ect. I didnt think it would be hard picking a stroller. But I came out of the room, and Brent already bought and paid for it!! haha! HELLO!!!! I really liked my blue one, but I guess I can live with this oRaNgE one!!! And Its cute! So... Thats our stroller!! And we got a great deal on it. I never knew I would read so MUCH about a stroller!!!
ANy WhO* Im Not Quit Sure what I should buy??? Get??? I feel like I have nothing, and am so unprepared with so little time, BUT I think it would be smarter of me to wait until after that baby shower to go ALL baby shopping crazy, because I dont know what people will bring for us :P!!! So, Im just setting MoneY aside and waiting!! I hope FoLkS range the gifts from BaTh stuff, to BouNcIeS, to DiApers, to CloTheS!!! Cuz.. IvE got ZILCH!!! haha... So Exciting!!
ThErE is our liTTle baby UpDatE!!! YAY!!!!! Please wait
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oh Tash you look so cute!!!! It goes so fast to be prepared!! I love your choice, I am sure you will love it to!