Sunday, May 2, 2010

I got Tagged!!!!!!

I Got Tagged


Four Jobs I've Had:
1. Tax receptionist
2. Country and More sales rep
3. Ninja Steakhouse hostess
4. Fabulous Freddy's

Four movies I have watched more than once:
1. The hangover
2. The notebook
3. Hairspray
4. You've got mail

Four places I have lived:
1. St. George
2. Diamond Valley
3. Cedar City
4. Enterprise

Four places I have been:
2. South Dakota
3. California
4. New York

Four of my favorite Places to Eat.
1. Brandon Iron
2. Pizza Factory
3. Paulas
4. Subway

Four things I am looking forward to in the coming year:
1. Camping
2. Wheeling
3. Picnics 
4. A Tan

Four People I am Tagging: (Copy & Paste onto your blog after changing the answers.)
1- Amanda
2. Liz
3. Melinda
4.  Ashlee


  1. Count me in on that tan idea.. I'm WAY too white to be seen in shorts!

  2. WOW I never get tagged! LOL It's fun reading yours :) but um maybe it's for another Ashlee...who happens to spell her name the same as me?!

  3. ASH!!! Oh it is FOR SURE for you!!!! :P!!! HAHAH!

  4. This was cute tash! i dont' know how to find where i got tagged, but i will do it anyway! :)
